Organizational History and Context

Highlights from the flagship fellowship program, the “Academy for Public Policy Analysis and Research”, 2008-2011 Cohorts


The Policy Academies was founded in 2016 with the mission to train and cultivate a new and diverse generation of racial equity and economic justice focused researchers and policy leaders from historically exploited communities.

The first training program began as the “Academy for Public Policy Analysis and Research” in 2008 at Urban Institute, designed by Lynette Rawlings as a researcher there. Subsequently, TPA programming and reach has expanded to help successive waves of diverse Academy alums become leaders in education, housing, public health, justice policy, environmental stewardship, economic development, technology policy, and beyond.

This journey has been characterized by our unique engagement with think tanks, policy research institutions, and academia. Our proven ability to navigate the intricacies of these spaces continues to propel us forward as a key player in the policy field. As we forge ahead, we remain dedicated to fostering a new era of leaders who embody the values of racial equity, economic justice, and community empowerment.